Eco-Friendly Home Decor
It’s time to go eco-friendly with your home decor, here’s why.
Sustainability is the buzzword today. It’s permeated every aspect of our daily life, from the products we use to the clothes we wear. But when it comes to our homes, we tend to focus more on convenience and aesthetics, which means that natural products often take a back seat. Our home is where we spend most of our time, and with the advent of modern, sustainable home decor products, it can become nothing short of a healthy haven.

Why make the switch?

For the health and safety of our families, especially older members and children, it’s important to shift to organic decor products. Products that have been heavily treated with chemicals often exude toxic fumes that can cause a variety of diseases. Certain metals and plastics are hard to recycle, and the waste generated from production has detrimental effects on our planet. They also use up tons of natural resources in the manufacturing process, putting undue burden on the Earth, and quickly depleting precious supplies.
You can play your part by putting the wellbeing of your planet and your family first, and making conscious choices for your home. To preserve our ecosystem and the healthy lives of the generations to come is the responsibility of society as a whole, and it starts with each individual taking smart and mindful decisions in their everyday lives.

The benefits of going eco-friendly

One of the biggest misconceptions about sustainable products is that they require a compromise on beauty and function. However, eco-friendly products come with an array of benefits that are hard to beat. Besides promoting a healthier home lifestyle and planet, they have lower costs, are low maintenance, and can be easily recycled and reused.

From eco-friendly bedding and rugs to cookware and bathware, the options are practical, elegant and most of all, a breeze to use! Take for instance, Orvi Home’s range of home decor pieces. The collection of tableware, kitchenware, furniture and storage pieces have been made from naturally-obtained wood and stone, and crafted entirely by hand. Each piece is considered a work of art, and results from controlled use of materials and resources, and most importantly, a revival of ancient arts and crafts that are known for being long-lasting and sustainable. The added benefit of supplementing the livelihood of local artisans makes these a great buy for your home.

Identifying the green from the non-green

As popular as eco-friendly products are starting to become, this trend is often peppered with greenwashing - a concept where companies claim to be green but instead deceive consumers with unclear jargon and fake products dressed to only look and sound eco-friendly. As a well-intentioned customer, you can look out for certain warning signs.

Before you purchase a product that claims to be eco-friendly, be sure to find out about its use and make. Eco-friendly products are usually made from natural materials, and use local labour and resources. They are durable, multi-functional and often easy to repair and maintain. Products with green seals or labels are also a reliable bet.
While it’s great to be a green crusader, know that all products (even the green ones) leave behind an environmental footprint. But to do right by the planet, stay true to buying locally-produced natural products, and use and maintain them well to lead a healthier, more comfortable life in a beautiful home.